Articles on: OSCE Stations

How to create and share OSCE stations

You can access our OSCE station creator tool here:

With our OSCE Station creator, you can create your own OSCE stations and organise your OSCE stations into shareable circuits, making it easy to set up mock OSCE sessions with friends. All of this functionality is available to everyone for free.

Our advanced OSCE station creator tool allows you to create mock OSCE stations. Each station is made up of student instructions, patient instructions and examiner instructions (including an OSCE checklist and optional examiner questions):

Candidate instructions: add instructions for the candidate before they start the station (e.g. the patient's presenting complaint, and what the candidate has to do during the station)
Patient instructions/script: create a script for the person playing the role of the patient, with information about their symptoms and past medical history. You can include images for examination findings.
Examiner checklist: build an interactive checklist, you can import a pre-made checklist from our bank of OSCE station checklists
Examiner questions: add questions to ask the candidate once they have completed the station

Your OSCE station library

OSCE stations you create a stored in your personal OSCE station library:

Your OSCE stations remain private, unless you decide to share them.

Tip: You can either share OSCE stations directly with other users (by sending them a link), or you can setup a Group Practice session.

Video demonstration

Updated on: 23/05/2024

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