An overview of our products
This page lists our premium products, which are all available to purchase individually. You may also be interested in our product bundles, which allow you to purchase multiple products at a significant discount. You can take a look at our bundles here.
1300+ ready-made OSCE stations, including comprehensive mark schemes. Categories include:
Clinical examination
History taking
Counselling and information giving
Data interpretation
Long cases
ABCDE/Emergency management stations.
Our OSCE station platform uses the power of AI to generate stations and virtual patients for you to converse with.
The paid product also includes our AI examiner.
For even more high-fidelity AI, you can buy AI credits- with these credits, our AI-driven virtual patients will talk back to you instead of typing their reply!
Purchase OSCE Stations
200+ OSCE guides and 150+ examiner checklists, available offline in our iOS and Android apps.
Each guide provides a step-by-step approach to the relevant clinical skills.
Purchase our mobile OSCE guides by downloading the Geeky Medics app and following the instructions in app. Access to our mobile app guides is included with some of our bundles.
Two high-quality textbooks to help you prepare for OSCEs:
Clinical Examination Book
OSCE Checklists Book
Our premium flashcard packs are available to purchase individually:
OSCE flashcard collection
Medicine flashcard collection
Surgery flashcard collection
Anatomy flashcard collection
2,500+ single best answer questions aligned with UK Medical Licensing Assessment topics, plus two mock AKT exams.
Purchase UKMLA Question Pack
600+ prescribing questions developed using official PSA question writing guidelines, and aligned with the PSA curriculum. Plus two mock PSA exams.
Purchase PSA Question Bank
85+ ECG cases to help you learn how to interpret ECGs using a systematic approach and recognise common ECG abnormalities.
Purchase ECG Case Collection
60+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret blood gases (ABGs and VBGs) using a systematic approach and recognise common blood gas abnormalities.
Purchase ABG Case Collection
100+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret blood tests using a systematic approach and recognise common blood test abnormalities.
Purchase Blood Test Case Collection
75+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret common imaging investigations (chest X-ray, abdominal X-ray, musculoskeletal X-ray and CT head images).
Purchase Radiology Case Collection
200+ cases to help you prepare for the simulated consultation assessment (SCA)
Purchase SCA Case Bank
OSCE Stations 🩺
1300+ ready-made OSCE stations, including comprehensive mark schemes. Categories include:
Clinical examination
History taking
Counselling and information giving
Data interpretation
Long cases
ABCDE/Emergency management stations.
Our OSCE station platform uses the power of AI to generate stations and virtual patients for you to converse with.
The paid product also includes our AI examiner.
For even more high-fidelity AI, you can buy AI credits- with these credits, our AI-driven virtual patients will talk back to you instead of typing their reply!
Purchase OSCE Stations
Mobile OSCE Guides (iOS & Android) 📱
200+ OSCE guides and 150+ examiner checklists, available offline in our iOS and Android apps.
Each guide provides a step-by-step approach to the relevant clinical skills.
Purchase our mobile OSCE guides by downloading the Geeky Medics app and following the instructions in app. Access to our mobile app guides is included with some of our bundles.
OSCE Textbooks 📚
Two high-quality textbooks to help you prepare for OSCEs:
Clinical Examination Book
OSCE Checklists Book
Premium Flashcard Packs 🧠
Our premium flashcard packs are available to purchase individually:
OSCE flashcard collection
Medicine flashcard collection
Surgery flashcard collection
Anatomy flashcard collection
UK Medical Licensing Assessment AKT Question Bank 🏥
2,500+ single best answer questions aligned with UK Medical Licensing Assessment topics, plus two mock AKT exams.
Purchase UKMLA Question Pack
Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) Question Bank 💊
600+ prescribing questions developed using official PSA question writing guidelines, and aligned with the PSA curriculum. Plus two mock PSA exams.
Purchase PSA Question Bank
ECG Case Collection 🫀
85+ ECG cases to help you learn how to interpret ECGs using a systematic approach and recognise common ECG abnormalities.
Purchase ECG Case Collection
ABG Case Collection 💉
60+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret blood gases (ABGs and VBGs) using a systematic approach and recognise common blood gas abnormalities.
Purchase ABG Case Collection
Blood Test Case Collection 🩸
100+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret blood tests using a systematic approach and recognise common blood test abnormalities.
Purchase Blood Test Case Collection
Radiology Case Collection 🩻
75+ clinical cases to help you learn how to interpret common imaging investigations (chest X-ray, abdominal X-ray, musculoskeletal X-ray and CT head images).
Purchase Radiology Case Collection
For GP trainees: MRCGP SCA Case Bank 👩⚕️
200+ cases to help you prepare for the simulated consultation assessment (SCA)
Purchase SCA Case Bank
Updated on: 23/02/2025
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