General mobile app issues
Most issues can be resolved by restarting your deleting and re-installing the Geeky Medics app
We're sorry to hear you’re experiencing some technical issues with the Geeky Medics app.
To begin with, try the following steps which we've found resolve many issues:
Ensure you have a working internet connection
Restart your device
Delete and re-install the Geeky Medics app
If you’re OSCE guides appear as locked despite you having an active subscription, to restore your access, you can:
Tap on any locked OSCE guide
Then on the purchase screen choose the ‘Restore Purchase’ option. This will then check your subscription status and unlock the guides once again without any additional payment.
If the above steps haven’t solved the issue, contact us and include the following:
Details of the issue you’re experiencing (please provide as many details as possible including screenshots if relevant)
Device details (e.g. iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy 14)
Operating system version (e.g. iOS 10, Android version 9)
We're sorry to hear you’re experiencing some technical issues with the Geeky Medics app.
To begin with, try the following steps which we've found resolve many issues:
Ensure you have a working internet connection
Restart your device
Delete and re-install the Geeky Medics app
If you’re OSCE guides appear as locked despite you having an active subscription, to restore your access, you can:
Tap on any locked OSCE guide
Then on the purchase screen choose the ‘Restore Purchase’ option. This will then check your subscription status and unlock the guides once again without any additional payment.
If the above steps haven’t solved the issue, contact us and include the following:
Details of the issue you’re experiencing (please provide as many details as possible including screenshots if relevant)
Device details (e.g. iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy 14)
Operating system version (e.g. iOS 10, Android version 9)
Updated on: 23/05/2024
Thank you!